1. Where can I buy DTSMS?

Although DTSMS is available through some trade shows, we do not publish a list of shows. You can purchase directly through our web site.

We currently are seeking vendors who are interested in reselling the software at safety shows, or safety related sites. Please contact our corporate office if you are interested.

2. Can you import FireFox CSV files


If you Export your drivers from your Software, import them into the software as a Pool Company

We can import multiple companies from an Excel file. And generate reports from those pool companies. Once a random test selection has been made. The software automatically notifies the HR manager listed


3. I do not have DOT requirements, can I still use DTSMS?

Of course, DTSMS was designed to with DOT, non-DOT and mixed mode organizations. Only data collected during your MIS selections is reported on the MIS reports. Please download the trial and experience the latest technology in our software package.

4. Mandated D.O.T. Training

You can enter the dates each driver is trained in the 49CFR Parts 40 & 382 which is reported annually to our organizations.  You can also keep track of those who have taken the Supervisory Reasonable Suspicion 2-hour training.  So, the date the training was received you can keep track of.  Because each of them is only required once-in-a-lifetime, when the people retake it, it is written over.

5. Does DTSMS handle DOT reporting?

YES. DTSMS has reports that are compliant with DOT MIS reporting.

6. TRIAL Version and Training

If you are in need of one on one training to use the software we can perform a webinar or a video conference to show you how to use the software

7. Can I select alternates during the random selection process?

Yes, you can select any number left in the remaining pool after the number of selections is entered. You will see a list of the individuals selected during the reporting phase. However, when canceling an original individual, you will not know know the name of the replacement until after the name has been selected. Once you have decided to replace a canceled test, the wizard will immediately inform you of the next selected participate.

8. Can we submit software MIS Report?

The form looks just like the current (2007) DOT MIS report, we still advise, transferring the data, signing and then submitting. All the data is reported per agency and job class as required by the current standard. We are always monitoring DOT changes and updating the software. If DOT reporting is not required by your organization, you can still use DTSMS reporting for analyzing your organization. Btwixt Group, LLC constantly builds new reports. If you would like a custom report, please let us know and we will gladly add it to the software.

9. Does DTSMS allow multiple companies or divisions to be ran from the same computer?

Yes, DTSMS does have the capability to monitor and maintain different companies from the same computer. The company can be switched on the fly.

10. How many individuals can be imported into the system.

DTSMS has one license for all, and an UNLIMITED number of individuals can be imported into software. The only limit is the amount of free space on hard drive available for the data. For instance, our testing system currently has 1400 active individuals, 20 Inactive, 45 Terminated from system. 30 full test and the corresponding results. The database, non-compacted is 5 MB. There is a complete limit to the database at 2,000 MB (2GB).

11. Will DTSMS work with all versions of Excel?

Yes, DTSMS will work with all versions of Excel and Google Drive spreadsheets. You save your spreadsheet as an .xls or .csv file. When saving your Excel or Google Drive spreadsheet for use with DTSMS, save it as an "Excel 97-2003 Compatible Workbook," or a .xls or as a .csv (comma separated value) file and you'll be all set for the import wizard.

12. Can I run DTSMS over our network?

Yes, DTSMS is network compatible as it will run on Windows Server, yet for best results it the application should be installed on individual PC's. Spreadsheet records can easily be stored on any file server or cloud service such as Dropbox. The license agreement for DTSMS allows for one copy to be installed on in one location.

13. Is there a limit on the number of people that can be on an imported personnel list in DTSMS?

Technically, no. DTSMS has been tested with personnel lists with between 5,000 and 10,000 people without issue.


14. We are a drug testing agency and pull random test for different clients, can DTSMS be used in this situation?

Yes. Simply set up a company for each client. Yuo can create a Consortium pool of employees and then select from that pool. Each company get a notification of employees to be tested.